Method for dispatch SQL Request in Sage Enterprise Management?

As you probably are aware, Sage Enterprise Management gives its very own select, refresh proclamations like SQL. For effectiveness, we can utilize SQL inquiries in Sage X3. Sage X3 gives exceptional capacity to execute SQL articulations/directions. The uncommon capacity is Execsql. It is utilized to dispatch a SQL to ask for that does not require the arrival of data, not at all like the guidance For… From… Sql that recovers the columns. This guidance is utilized, for instance, to dispatch a Sql to give order that is utilized to accord the rights to a table.

Sentence structure:

Execsql From type_base Sql sql_exp


type_base: Alphanumeric character portraying the database type.
sql_exp: Character string or character string framework containing the SQL requesting.


YSQUERY(0)=" Update "+nomap+".YTEMP set YFLAG_0 = 2 where YITMREF_0 ='ABC' "


Execsql From type_base Sql YSQUERY(0)

# in the creation and refresh process for the table structures.

Nearby Char BASE(1)
When 1 : BASE = "3"
When 2 : BASE = "5"
When 3 : BASE = "2"
When 4 : BASE = "4"

Here, we are refreshing table YTEMP with YFLAG field to 2.
The parameter type_base is utilized to show the Sage Database type to be getting to :

– "o","O","3″ to depict an Oracle database
– "s","S","5″ to depict a SQL 7 database.

The sql_exp parameter is utilized to show the sql ask. It is communicated by a character string or else a framework. When utilizing a framework, the demand articulation is comprised of the connection of character strings. This matrix is restricted to 255 components.

Expectation this makes a difference!

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